Log Management and Analytics

Explore the full capabilities of Log Management and Analytics powered by SolarWinds Loggly

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Why is logging Windows applications challenging?

Managing Windows event logs can become chaotic

Organizations using Windows have endless event logs scattered across multiple devices and servers. Managing these Windows logs in silos creates chaos and delays troubleshooting.

Timely error discovery is restricted over large networks

Going through each Windows log stored across the distributed network to discover any error or warning can become a never-ending task without using intelligent tools.

Windows Event Viewer offers limited log analysis

Windows event viewer displays all event logs from the system and other applications for easy navigation. However, it’s not helpful with detecting data patterns to quickly assist in resolving issues.

Get a centralized repository for all your Windows logs

Centralized Windows logging is the first and key step for effective Windows log management. SolarWinds® Loggly®, a cloud-based log management solution, helps centrally manage all your Windows logs in an efficient and secured manner, in a support agentless architecture.

You can use Nxlog, Snare, or Syslog-Ng to send your Windows event log to Loggly. Consolidating scattered event logs in a central repository can help you take more sufficient decisions while addressing security and performance. In addition, with Loggly, you can archive your Windows logs on Amazon S3 buckets if they overpass their retention period.

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Troubleshoot faster with powerful search and smart alerts

Loggly provides interactive search options that help you sift through large data volumes instantly, to quickly find answers without using any proprietary query language. Loggly helps optimize your Windows log management with features like dynamic field explorer, which summarizes all your log data and gives you relevant insights with just a few clicks.

For resolving any critical event across the distributed stack, you can view all the surrounding events for that specific event with a single click. Lastly, you can never miss any critical issue with the Loggly smart alerts.

Loggly - Charts Library

Analyze Windows logs with interactive dashboards and reports

Centralized Windows logging with Loggly helps you include extensive charts and reports incorporating data from multiple sources in your log analysis for better decisions. With the various chart types, you can visualize large volumes of Windows logs data for better assessment and analysis.

Interactive dashboards reflecting performance indicators and important business metrics help you spot trends and patterns while tracking SLA compliance without any hassle. Sync all your charts to a specific time range with just a click to easily analyze your Windows logs over a period of time. The Loggly shareable dashboards and reports can help your team collaborate for better productivity, while working in a distributed environment.

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