Log Management and Analytics

Explore the full capabilities of Log Management and Analytics powered by SolarWinds Loggly

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What makes event log management so challenging?

Log management in a distributed environment

It is not simple to manage event logs for numerous endpoints, applications, cloud, and servers in modern IT environments. Creating a robust setup to meet spikes in log volumes becomes a struggle.

Search and analysis with large data sets

Traditional log and event managers aren’t equipped to handle large log volumes. As a result, they take a long time to provide results for common search queries and can reduce operational efficiency.

Lack of advanced tools for monitoring

Most log and event management software lack advanced features for log monitoring, analysis, and visualization. As a result, teams have to rely on multiple tools for solving their event log management challenges.

Aggregate all your logs on cloud

SolarWinds® Loggly® provides a powerful and highly interactive platform for log analysis, aggregation, and monitoring. Unlike, other log and event management software, Loggly doesn’t require agents or any lengthy installation. You can get started within a few minutes and quickly receive logs with the help of simple scripts. It accepts a wide range of structured and unstructured logs and can help you correlate different events to make informed decisions and mitigate issues faster.

As a cloud-based service, Loggly makes it easier for you to meet your log retention policies and centrally manage all your logs. It can also automatically archive your older logs on AWS S3 buckets.

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Loggly search

Get better insights from your logs

In addition to letting you manage event logs on the cloud, Loggly also offers advanced search and log analytics features. It can automatically parse different kinds of logs from your distributed environment into various fields for easy analysis.

You can enter a search query using common search operators and get near-instant results, even when you are analyzing massive log volumes. Further, you don’t have to perform multiple searches for extracting information from logs, as the Loggly dynamic field explorer provides a structured summary of your logs. To investigate events before or after a critical event, you can use the Loggly surround search feature. With all these and many other attributes, Loggly always keeps you on top of your environment.

Leverage advanced charts and dashboards

Loggly simplifies event and log monitoring with advanced features for visualization. You can use several pre-configured dashboards for monitoring key performance indicators and usage statistics related to your environment. You can also configure these dashboards and include charts to meet your specific monitoring requirement.

The dashboards can be shared within teams for improved collaboration. Further, you can project them on a large screen in your operations center to keep everyone on the same page. Loggly also integrates with a wide range of notification services, GitHub, and Jira, helping you run operations seamlessly and efficiently.

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