Log Management and Analytics

Explore the full capabilities of Log Management and Analytics powered by SolarWinds Loggly

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Infrastructure Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Instant visibility into servers, virtual hosts, and containerized environments

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Application Performance Monitoring Powered by SolarWinds AppOptics

Comprehensive, full-stack visibility, and troubleshooting

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Make your websites faster and more reliable with easy-to-use web performance and digital experience monitoring

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What makes server log management so difficult?

Complex distributed IT environments

IT teams manage and monitor logs from multiple servers spread across geographically distributed locations and cloud. Keeping track of all these logs in a reliable and efficient manner is difficult.

Lack of powerful tools for analysis

Teams lack powerful tools that can help them analyze all kinds of logs to detect and resolve issues faster. Traditional tools for Linux server log management may not help in monitoring cloud-native resources.

Managing multiple tools is a hassle

Teams configure multiple complex tools for log aggregation, search, and visualization. It is not easy to manage these tools, as they offer little help in supporting the operational routines in enterprises.

Manage all your server logs with Loggly

SolarWinds® Loggly® offers a cloud-based service for the collection of logs, which makes server log management significantly easier in large-scale distributed setups. In addition to Linux server log monitoring, Loggly can help in aggregating all kinds of text-based logs from Apache, IIS, Nginx, SQL, and more.

With all your logs in one place, you can easily correlate information, detect anomalies, and resolve issues faster. Further, the Loggly agentless architecture and intuitive UI makes log aggregation and management even more simple. You can send your logs to Loggly using syslog, which is the most common method. There are several short scripts available in the Loggly documentation, which can help you in the initial setup and configuration.

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Loggly search

Get faster search and diagnostics

In modern organizations, IT teams are overburdened with endless tickets and alerts related to their servers and applications. Keeping track of numerous resources and prioritizing different tasks can be a big challenge. Teams need powerful tools like Loggly, which can help them reduce this complexity and assist in harnessing actionable intelligence.

Loggly provides faster search and can automatically parse the incoming logs, which makes it easier to extract useful information from the data. You can monitor your logs using the Loggly dynamic field explorer, which significantly reduces the noise and expedites troubleshooting.

Improve troubleshooting experience

Loggly offers several pre-configured dashboards for monitoring key performance and usage statistics linked to your servers. You can set up these dashboards in a single click, customize them, drag and resize the charts, and display them over a large screen in your operations center.

These dashboards will help you and your team get a quick overview of your environment. Further, Loggly integrates with a range of third-party services for improved collaboration. You can integrate it with GitHub and Jira to support your operational processes. You can also configure event alerts and receive them over Slack, PagerDuty, or any other webhook-compatible notification service.

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