Log Management and Analytics

Explore the full capabilities of Log Management and Analytics powered by SolarWinds Loggly

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What are the challenges with analyzing system logs?

Log management can be a hassle

In IT environments with numerous servers and endpoints, log volumes can spiral out of control as traditional tools lack scalability. This makes it difficult for administrators to troubleshoot issues.

It’s difficult to gain actionable intelligence

Traditional syslog analyzers can get sluggish in modern environments where there’s a need to analyze logs in real time. Due to this, teams can struggle to resolve issues and keep systems in good health.

Getting a quick overview isn’t simple

As teams monitor an endless stream of logs, getting a quick overview of the environment becomes a challenge. Lack of visualization and inefficient workflows further slow down troubleshooting.

Streamline log management with Loggly

SolarWinds® Loggly® is a cloud-based log management service that allows you to manage all your logs reliably without facing any scalability issues. You can send all your system, server, and even application and cloud-based logs to Loggly for unified monitoring and analysis.

As an advanced syslog analyzer, Loggly is extremely easy to set up and does not require agent installation. You can aggregate your logs easily using simple scripts—the Loggly documentation provides detailed steps and help related to log aggregation. With all your logs in one place, you can quickly correlate different events and troubleshoot issues effectively.

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Get to the root cause of issues, quickly

Today, most organizations operate in a 24/7 live environment, and any downtime can cause huge financial and reputational damages. That’s why operations teams are overburdened—they need tools that can help them analyze a vast amount of log data to get to the root cause of issues quickly.

Loggly can assist you in analyzing the syslog data with improved speed and efficiency. It offers near-instant results for search queries and can automatically parse your logs. You can view your logs using the dynamic field explorer, which significantly reduces your effort in searching and analyzing logs. The Loggly surround search is another important feature that allows you to inspect all events around a major event with a single click.

Improve visibility with charts and dashboards

Loggly helps you gain near real-time visibility and actionable intelligence with several integrated charts and dashboards. You can setup pre-configured dashboards in a single click to monitor your environment. Further, Loggly allows you to create customized dashboards using different line and bar charts.

These charts can be easily dragged, resized, and synced to a common time in a single click. The charts can track various performance and usage-related statistics, and help you spot any anomaly or important trend. You can also share your dashboard with other members of your team to collaborate and resolve issues efficiently.

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