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Loggly Real-Time Anomaly Detection: Know the Unknown

By Sven Dummer 29 Oct 2015

Don’t you want to know when something bad is about to happen to your system? If you’re looking back retrospectively, you can usually find clues in your log data. But wouldn’t it be better to know about changes in your log events before these events cause a problem? Loggly Anomaly Detection gives you the power to be proactive.

Anomaly Detection highlights anomalies in your logs that come from major changes in the frequency of certain log events. For example, you can immediately see if you have a big increase in errors after a new code deployment, if you have a jump in Amazon EC2 configurations, or if you have an unusual number of user login failures that could signal an attacker looking for vulnerabilities.

Anomaly Detection
You can access Anomaly Detection on the search page by selecting the Trends tab on the toolbar, and then selecting Anomalies in the dropdown menu for chart type.

Loggly Anomaly Detection gives you a view of your logs that automatically surfaces the fields that have significant changes or are significant in overall count. What makes this particularly powerful is the fact that Anomaly Detection will even bring things to light that you had no way of knowing beforehand, such as that rare corner case error message that you and your local system guru had never heard about. You can’t search for things you don’t know about, and you can’t proactively plan for events that you have no way to anticipate. In today’s world of distributed systems, the number of logging components and the amount of log data is orders of magnitude higher than only a few years ago. It’s simply impossible to know all potentially problematic events, and you can’t define rules for all of them. Loggly’s Anomaly Detection addresses this challenge.

Unlike the anomaly detection capabilities in many other log management solutions, Loggly analyzes thousands of field values in parallel as it ingests your logs, determines the normal value ranges in your logs, and brings the ones with the biggest changes to your attention in near real-time. You will see any significant deviations, even the ones you had never thought about. And you can take action before they turn into problems.

Anomaly Detection view

Try Anomaly Detection for Yourself

See the documentation for how to get started and for all the details. If you’re in a free trial now or an Enterprise account, you can use Anomaly Detection right away. Users on a Lite, Standard or Pro plan will need to upgrade to Enterprise to take advantage of Anomaly Detection. Enterprise plans start at $349 per month (with an annual commitment).

If you still haven’t tried Loggly, you now have one more big reason to do so right away! It takes just 30 seconds to get started 14-day free trial. All Loggly free trials get access to our full feature set.

The Loggly and SolarWinds trademarks, service marks, and logos are the exclusive property of SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Sven Dummer

Sven Dummer