Log Management and Analytics

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Blog Development

Do You Have a Logstash?

By Hoover J. Beaver 16 Nov 2010

I’m a dev ops guy, and I’ve been talking about logging problems for a long while now. Talking about storing logs. Talking about parsing logs. Talking about searching logs. Talking about reacting to logs. Now I’m at Loggly, I’m talking about it more than ever.

Today I’m releasing logstash, an Open Source tool to accomplish all that and more. You can read about the release on my blog and then go download the source and get started with it.

If you want to see it in action, I’ve uploaded a demo video on YouTube. Also, Kord and I sat down today and chatted about logstash and its future. That video is below.

Welcome to Logstash from Hoover Beaver on Vimeo.

We’re looking for people to help on the project, so if you are interested, drop me a line.

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Hoover J. Beaver

Hoover J. Beaver