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Blog Events

Highlights from #FutureStack15

By Karen Sowa 19 Nov 2015

We’re officially back in the office and catching our breath from our sing-a-long session with Weird Al Yankovic and the rest of the Data Nerds squad. Big thanks to New Relic for a great event!

As you heard in our blog post announcing the event, New Relic and Loggly are highly complementary solutions. To make integrating the two performance monitoring tools easier for users, we’ve provided a Chrome extension for New Relic to provide single-click access from a New Relic view into a matching view in Loggly.

This integration not only eliminates extra steps in the troubleshooting process, but also provides highly granular analysis, so that ops staff can get a bird’s eye view of their systems and developers can track down problems in their code. Check it out!

We’ve got demos, coffee & … Justin Beaver?

That’s right, folks! The superstar himself stopped by FutureStack15 for a guest appearance at our booth

In addition to catching-up with the Beaves, the Loggly team had some great discussions with Data Nerds interested in our newest features: Anomaly Detection, customized parsing with Derived Fields and Derived Tags, and our newest addition – Loggly Live Tail.

We’re excited to introduce these capabilities to Loggly customers, and it was great getting to share these benefits with FutureStack attendees last week!

In addition to On top of new feature demos and general Q&A’s on the updates, we also gave away some Loggly swag – including our always-popular coffee mugs! We also had the pleasure of giving away a Sphero Ollie to a lucky attendee of Sven’s micro-theater discussion.

The No-Bulls&#t Guide to Logging

Speaking of Sven’s session, we had a great time sharing the top five things every logger at FutureStack should be doing. Sven provided some tips and tricks for log management 101 – be on the lookout for a re-cap of his guide, coming soon (you do follow @Loggly on Twitter, right?). The No-Bulls&#t Guide to Logging

Periscope + Loggly = Social Rebels with a Data Cause

Did you catch us on Periscope? We had fun capturing the live, can’t-miss moments at Futurestack for our social friends.

no periscope Whoops…we promise we didn’t stream this one, FutureStack.

periscope capture We enjoyed meeting each of the attendees that stopped by our booth and really loved seeing our Loggly swag at the conference, too. Thanks for the shout outs, #Futurestack15! 


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Karen Sowa

Karen Sowa