Log Management and Analytics

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Blog Use cases

SendHub Switches to Loggly to Clearly Hear What Its Logs are Saying

By Hoover J. Beaver 04 Jun 2014

It’s always gratifying to work with a like-minded company that appreciates the value of Loggly. It’s even more gratifying when that company has chosen Loggly after having direct experience with another log management service.  We view ourselves as the smarter cloud-based log management solution for net-centric business, and when customers sign up from other systems we always want to hear why… and what their experience was like. For SendHub, the switch to Loggly was quite painless.

SendHub brings simplicity, affordability, and multi-channel customer service to business telephony. It understands the value of log data in delivering a quality service to its customers; and it also recognizes that using external, cloud-based services to manage non-core components of its service is a smart business strategy.

SendHub had deployed another third-party log management solution before choosing Loggly. However, it realized that its previous service could not scale to meet its expected growth in applications and customers without introducing a prohibitively high cost structure and level of unwanted complexity and internal oversight.

In our most recent case study, SendHub provides some perspective on what it sees as Loggly’s advantages:

  • Fully cloud-based delivery with an agent-free approach
  • The ability to easily aggregate logs across SendHub’s website, back-end server infrastructure, and mobile clients
  • Pay-as-you grow pricing that scales with the business automatically

“Loggly was a smarter choice for our cloud-based business, offering a painless adoption path with virtually no effort on our part and allowing us to accomplish the same things we had from our Splunk solution at a fraction of the cost.”

Brock Haywood, Director of Platform, SendHub

The Send Hub case study also delves into the core use cases of operational troubleshooting and performance measurement. It outlines how they answered the key questions that all smart SaaS companies look to solve:

  • “We just pushed new code; did anything break?”
  • “Why does our application keep falling over?”
  • “What’s the root of performance problems we’re seeing?”
  • “How can we spot issues before our customers do?”

Read the full SendHub case study.

Of course, the best way to see the value of Loggly is to experience it yourself – whether you’re just starting out, experienced with another log management solution, or deep in the trenches of maintaining homegrown log management. So sign up for your free trial of Loggly today!

The Loggly and SolarWinds trademarks, service marks, and logos are the exclusive property of SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Hoover J. Beaver

Hoover J. Beaver