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We needed Loggly to successfully launch Generation 2 of Loggly!

By Hoover J. Beaver 04 Sep 2013

Yesterday we launched Generation 2 of Loggly.   At the same time we launched our new company web site so there was a lot going on.   What was really cool was that throughout the day we made extensive use of Loggly as a tool to help us find and fix problems quickly.

Using the new Trends feature I quickly graphed the 404’s from our two proxy servers for www-staging.loggly.com and then broke that down by User-Agent to see how many of our dead links were simply being scanned by crawlers vs. end users getting errors.

Loggly on Loggly 2013-09-04 at 1.16.10 PM
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Hoover J. Beaver

Hoover J. Beaver