Log Management and Analytics

Explore the full capabilities of Log Management and Analytics powered by SolarWinds Loggly

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Why is logging ASP.NET Core errors challenging?

Managing ASP.NET Core logs can be tedious

Aggregating all the NET Core logs and log details from multiple apps is difficult, especially in case of the multi-layered application running across the distributed stack. Further, the management of these logs is also quite tedious.

Traditional tools don’t support easier troubleshooting

For multi-threaded scenarios like a web app, faster troubleshooting of ASP.NET Core issues is essential to maintain the speed of the app. Traditional tools usually don’t offer deep insights into the logs leading to performance issues.

Massive log data needs better visualization for analysis

A visual representation of complex logging data helps to quickly find the errors. Although organizations use open-source tools to visualize their logs, these tools require complex integrations and turn out to be expensive.

Aggregate .NET logs for better management

In large organizations, there are multilayered structures running over multiple servers. SolarWinds® Loggly®, being a cloud-based log management and analysis solution, helps such organizations in aggregated .NET logging. Using Loggly, you can easily send application logs from various libraries like Log4NET to other destinations quickly.

You can also plug in to a third-party logging framework. Since ASP.NET Core comes with built-in support for logging APIs, it easily gets integrated with logging service providers like Loggly. With Loggly, you can automatically archive your historical logs once they overpass the log retention period. This helps in easily retrieving the older logs if required for any analysis or compliance purpose.

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Powerful interactive search screenshot

Troubleshoot faster with centralized monitoring and management

While creating an application in the ASP.NET Core framework, managing all the logs coming from different locations can be cumbersome. For such scenarios, Loggly comes in hand by centrally managing all the logs at one place. With its advanced search capabilities, it reduces time and effort in data searching and filtering significantly. You can quickly troubleshoot and find errors by searching through all your log data within a few minutes.

You can also use the Loggly live log tail feature for .NET Core logging, which allows you to see all logs across the systems in real time without requiring you to log in to remote systems. It also has a dynamic field explorer functionality which lets you find the root cause of issues occurring across the distributed stack in an inclusive manner.

Command center view

Better analysis with interactive charts and dashboards

Loggly also provides integrated charts and dashboards for better visualization of log data. This allows you to do log data analysis, track data patterns, derive insights, and spot trends easily. Loggly allows you to download charts and dashboards in PNG or JPEG format for quick sharing with team members, thereby ensuring better collaboration. Further, you can easily spot anomalies in your logs with the Loggly anomalies trend chart.

For better visualization, Loggly lets you create a unified dashboard using different types of bar and line charts, which makes data analysis easier and faster.

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